Posts tagged ‘Fire Department’

October 30, 2011

Storm Leaves Tangled Mess; Residents Urged to Stay Home

Lou DeLage stepped outside to survey the damage to his home this morning to find a twisted mailbox and three thirty feet long limbs with the diameter of a leg across his yard. He began taking pictures when large balls of snow and ice rained down from trees above him. “That was caused by the plow first,” he says, pointing to the mailbox. “Then the branches came down.” He didn’t hear them, but his daughter did around 10 pm last night as a historic storm dumped 15 to 20 inches of wet heavy snow across Wolcott in an unusually early nor’easter. “But hey – I still have power, water, and no damage to my home. I’m lucky,” he said.

Not so lucky are residents of the Woodtick section of Wolcott,

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May 7, 2011

Fire Dept. Starts Saturday Dinners Tonight

Have you eaten yet?
How does italian ziti sound on this beautiful spring afternoon with meatballs, bread and a cake for desert?

Meet your neighbors tonight at Company #2’s annual Ziti Dinner on North St. until 7 pm. The food is great and goes towards protecting your neighbors.

In the upcoming week, the other two fire companies will have their Roast Beef fundraisers. Company #1 on Central Ave. (Hitchcock Lake) will host residents on Saturday evening, and Company 3 will cook up their famous roast beef and potatoes on Sunday (May 15) on Lyman Rd.

Its a great night to meet your neighbors and enjoy the spring air. And if you’ve thought about helping out the fire department, make sure you speak up!